Though the disaster already happened, three individuals attempt to bring about an epiphany.

Choreography: Laure-Anne Segers  | Performers: Anja Dermer, Cara Rother, Laure-Anne Segers  | Music: Chopin, Murcof  | Video: Timo Sauer  | Editing: Laure-Anne Segers  | Photo: Peter Hoffmann-Schönborn

Recorded the 29.01.2022 in Tanzhaus im Ahrberg Viertel, Hannover, Germany

The project is supported by the Akademie der Künste, Berlin, with funding from the Federal Government Commissioner for Culture and the Media as part of the INITIAL Special Grant Programm.


Photo: Peter Hoffmann-Schönborn

Photo: Peter Hoffmann-Schönborn

Bring about an epiphany Anja Dermer

“Bring about an epiphany” is a project relying on epiphanies as sudden moments of realization, beauty and stillness.

It comprises a piece and a concept of “get together” aimed to bring a sense of delight to everyone.

The piece starts from a choreographic research and is intended at this stage of the project, to be versatile, i.e. using lights, speech, choreography and sound. The get together, for their parts, are seen as an opportunity to empower the participants with hope, sense of self and freedom.


Bring about an epiphany

First research period: November 2021-January 2022

"Though the disaster already happened, two to five individuals attempt to bring about an epiphany."

Listening to the incessant warnings of researchers and scientists about the state of the world and its future for the end of the 21st century, there is nothing but chaos. At the scale of the earth, the catastrophe even already took place.

If poetry is our refuge, then dance gives the body and the living a chance to deconstruct the world by playing with the real and the unreal, the imagination and the transcendant as allies. It opens the door to other possibilities, to new forms of being human.

The idea at the heart of the creative work is to attempt to bring about a theatrical epiphany, playing with the concepts of catastrophe in its dramatic sense (the denouement of a drama), of collapsology (new currents of thought studying the imminent collapse of our present civilisation) and transcendance.

Is the definition of ideal a subjective matter? If yes, how is it interpreted by one another? Is it a feeling, an image, a story, a myth? Is it palpable? Within the performance and choreography, can one or more epiphanies of beauty happen?


The project is supported by the Akademie der Künste, Berlin, with funding from the Federal Government Commissioner for Culture and the Media as part of the INITIAL Special Grant Programm.



Save the date

SATURDAY 29.01.2022 17:30

Studio Compagnie Fredeweß

Ilse-Ter-Meer-Weg 7, 30449 Hannover